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How I add value

What I bring to the table

I have a number of design experience skills including wireframing, rapid prototyping, design thinking, user research, user interviews, usability testing, mobile app design (iOS/Android), web app design, website design, product design, user interface (UI) design, and user experience (UX) design.


User research

I enjoy interviewing the people who will end up using the product or service I am working on. Observing people in their environment, asking clarifying questions, validating assumptions, gathering quantitative and qualitative feedback to improve the overall design of the final product are all part of my process.

Journey mapping

Mapping the users' journey and their experience along the way is something I enjoy doing as part of my design process. It's a vital artifact that can inform product teams about gaps in an experience, user pain points, and opportunities for improvements to name a few. Whether it is service blueprints, customer journeys, or experience journeys; mapping can allow organizations to think critically about their users' needs.    

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Native mobile app design language

I have experience designing mobile apps to the specifications of both Google Material Design and Apple Human Interface Design. By designing to each platform, it ensures mobile apps look intuitive based on native design requirements. It also helps reduce development and testing times to ensure updates get into the hands of users efficiently and effectively.

Sketch ideation + wireframing

The ability to ideate and sketch the user interface experience is critical to any design process. Starting with low-fidelity sketching allows for rapid ideation to occur freely and frequently. From here, I will typically move into the wireframing process producing mid to high-fidelity prototypes to validate ideas, user interactions, and any necessary feedback. 


Tablet app design

In addition to mobile app design, I have also designed custom tablet apps based both on Apple Human Interface Design (iOS) and Google Material Design (Android). By using interface elements that are native to each platform, it ensures a fluid user experience that can be scalable across different devices.


Human-centered design

Taking a design-led approach prioritizes three key things:


What do people desire?

What is technically and organizationally feasible?

What can be financially viable? 


Mobile app design 

I have also designed mobile apps native to Apple's Human Interface Design and Google's Material Design to ensure a fluid user experience. This allows for lightweight user interface elements to be seamlessly updated to get them into the hands of users quicker.     


Design systems and pattern libraries

By using the Atomic Design approach, user interface elements can be broken down into reusable components. I utilize this approach to make the design system fluid and these components adaptable throughout the entire project lifecycle. In addition, this also allows for faster updates and quicker delivery to the end user.  


Consumer product design

I have extensive knowledge of consumer behaviors with product design. I enjoy exploring the emotional connections consumers have with brands. Specifically, the way consumers think and feel about products. I also enjoy solving problems within the marketplace to identify areas of opportunity and better connect users to the brands they support and love.


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