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5 random facts about me  

1. I once ate five twinkies in under two minutes

As a random bet, a former coworker bet me $20 that I would not be able to eat five twinkies in under two minutes. Needless to say, I proved him wrong and proudly ate all five of them. If you asked me, I would do this again, but only if the price is right... by the third twinkie, it started to get rough.


2. I am a certified and licensed nutrition coach

I am fascinated with the science of food and how we relate to it. I decided to learn more about our eating habits, lifestyle choices, and food behavioral cognitive thinking by becoming a certified nutrition coach. It has helped me better understand the consumer/client mindset around desired outcomes and what barriers or pain points people face in their day-to-day lives. 


3. I proposed to my wife on top of a 1,207 ft. crater in Hawaii

I remember this moment like it was yesterday. As we ascended the face of the crater, I made it a point to get to the top before she did. As my wife reached the top, she was clearly out of breath. She then proceeded to ask me why I did not stop with her occasionally. At that moment, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She said YES!   


4. I won the Minnesota bodybuilding championship

While working out one day, I was approached by an older gentlemen who asked me if I ever thought about competing in bodybuilding. At first, I was really turned off by the idea of what the sport represented. After several months of being asked by the same guy, I finally said OK. After my first show, I was so impressed by the friendliness of the people in the bodybuilding community that I was sold. Three years later, I won the overall Mr. Minnesota Bodybuilding Championship. This moment is really important to me because it allowed me to see how one person can believe in you even when you do not believe in yourself.


5. I have volunteered throughout my community

I have always believed in helping others to create understanding, shared experiences, and community. Over the years, I have volunteered for several non-profit outreach organizations. One year, I volunteered during the holiday season as a red kettle ringer for the Salvation Army. I have also volunteered for Habitat for Humanity and Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Helping Hands

I am inspired by…

Experiences: They create a foundation to broaden our horizons and perspectives. 

People: We are all uniquely individual and have a story to tell.

Collaboration: I believe in the power of collective thought, teamwork, and innovation.

Problems: I love developing solutions to help solve them. 

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